Hello All Welcome to the Official Site of Bridgett Vaughn.
When everybody is rockin the pointed toe stiletto, you will probably find b. Vaughn doing a little bit of everything and more of what may be considered taboo.
Trends have never defined the b. Vaughn Brand. "I'd like to think that's why clients choose me. Style is personal, it goes well beyond what you wear. Style is character, integrity, it is the root of what you don’t think can be seen. Knowing these things gives me the edge to serve well, and I love it!
Recreating existing pieces, creating new, while fusing colors, textiles, and cultivating style which sometimes lie dormant in an individual.
Being open to designers of all distribution background has afforded me the opportunity to look for quality rather than labels, or the latest fad; this keeps my atmosphere free from being tainted by sources that ultimately do not matter.
With an undeniable affection for style, I transform lives for the better and provoke change which generates peaceful confidence at the core.
Over the years I have enjoyed working with some incredible individuals.
Icons, Trail Blazers and Legends in their own right.
My gifts has awarded me the opportunity to style music videos, independent films and develop up and coming Artist for the stage.
I must say this life is good moving forward."
At this juncture in Bridgett Vaughn's career she works with existing clients and upcoming niche professionals offering a deep value added menu of services TALKS, WORKSHOPS, REFERRAL STYLE SERVICES & LIMITED EDITION MERCH.
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b. Vaughn

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